Takeaways de Juan Señor: día 2

 Takeaways de Juan Señor: día 2

¡Reinvention 2016 ha llegado a su fin, no sin antes cambiarnos por completo!

Al igual que en años anteriores, nos hemos nutrido del expertise de cada uno de los speakers invitados. Ha sido tanta la información que hemos recibido en estos dos días, que por eso, Juan Señor, el moderador del congreso, nos ha dejado estos pequeños bites que nos resumen las ideas más poderosas presentadas por cada speaker.

¡Buen provecho!

Aaron Dignan

  • Leader as servant – management by walk about
  • Audience, alignment, attraction
  • Leaders who give direction & let people figure it out
  • Alignment + autonomy = modern leadership
  • Leadership atomized
  • Leadership as protector of ideas
  • Emergent leadership

Diego Gutiérrez

  • El fin de los intermediarios
  • Atención a Bitcoin
  • Internet de blockchain
  • Economía distribuida – anarquía digital

Nils Leonard

  • Our job is to remove barriers
  • Remove the bullshit
  • Kill the office
  • Don’t hire assholes – kill ego
  • Energy more than single talent
  • Kill sign off – trust
  • We’ll do it next year

Bert Oliva

  • What you believe is your reality
  • Celebrate life
  • Intelligent, creative, courageous, honest, driven, confident = leader
  • Yes or no!
  • Make it happen

Jessica Walsh

  • Play is a flow state
  • Connecting the dots
  • No type on ads – do the opposite of the common
  • Show only one option
  • Make your own rules so you can break them
  • Do the work that feeds your soul, not your ego
  • Don’t beat yourself up
  • If they hate it, it’s because they loved it
  • Women, let other women succeed
  • Forgive and forget

Pesantes Denise

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